Last Friday’s clue for the Marled Magic MKAL I am working on did not disappoint!
I was so excited to see that one of my favorite stitches of all time was added to the shawl, the brioche stitch. If you have never tried the brioche stitch this project is a great one to start with. When I did my first brioche project, I decided to use the two-color brioche stitch, since it is just stunning to look at and is reversible. For this MKAL you are doing one color brioche stitch section, so I think it is an easy place for a beginner to start. Also, since you are working on both sides of the project you don’t need to know how to do a brioche purl stitch, only the brioche knit stitch. The brioche stitch can play tricks on your mind, it is pretty different from any other knit stitch you have done. Brioche knitting uses a “yarn over” technique that is not a true yarn over. Check out this link to see how Stephen West does it. His video is amazing and clearly shows the stitch as it is being knit. The fabric you will create with the brioche stitch is so squishy and warm without being dense or heavy. You will love it! I was hooked after my first time knitting brioche. So hooked that I am also working on a Briochevron Blanket.
This project continues to own my wrapped attention. Even after I finish one clue, I keep wondering what the next clue will hold. I can’t help but wonder what the shape of my shawl will be. What type of knitter are you? Do you like the surprise that an MKAL provides? Do you like to follow a pattern exactly to the letter? As I have said before I am the type of knitter who usually makes a few changes to the pattern, but I have not felt that way with this project yet. This project has filled my need to mix patterns, different sections, and colors together. As you might have caught onto by now, I love to play with color! Mixing and matching color is so much fun, then when you throw in all the fun of the textures you can create with your stitches I am in my happy place.
A Note on Needles:

For this project, I am using Addi Turbo circular needles and I love them! I find that, depending on my yarn type, I enjoy working with most needle types; wood, bamboo, and metal. The Addi needles are a dream to work with. The stitches slide so delightfully across the smooth metal surface. And the cords of these needles? Some of the best in my opinion. They are so flexible, which is what you want if you have a magic loop project in the works. The join of the needles to the cables is seamless as well. If you are looking for a sharper point you should check out Addi Turbo Lace.
The Third Clue Released:

The last few clues have been released at about 4:00 in the morning. I guess if I was truly dedicated I would get up extra early to get going on it before I go to work…apparently, sleep outweighs knitting in this case! This morning I stumbled out of bed and with my first espresso con panna in hand, I found myself ready to get my pattern update downloaded and watch the latest video to see what the next clue was. Immediately the wheels started turning and I can’t wait for my work day to come to an end so I can get knitting the next clue! Have you joined the fun of this MKAL? It’s not too late to join if you have not. If you have already joined, share your progress in the comment section below. Also, stay tuned to see how mine turns out! I know what I am working on this weekend, do you? I hope you get to create something great, whatever it is!